Friday, August 5, 2011

Solemnization Dress: made by UNAISAH AZLAN..!

Hello2 darlingz....!!! ok i sempat curik2 few pic from FB my fren for the solemnization dress. kalo kualiti tu low sorry la yer, as long as u can see the dsign ok la kan......yes i dah long ago stated yg my solemnization dress will be tailored by non other than UNAISAH AZLAN, i love her and her fantastic visual of what brides would love to have, she never say never, at least kalo susah sgt la design tu dia akan improvise and not rejectic ur idea bulat-bulat2 tau.....i thanks her so much for everything that she done, byk sgt yg dia tolong i dari segi baju nikah ni, veil and also on the reception day ...will story bout this later...

1st lets feast ur eyes ;)

At first this is Unaisah (Cah) idea which for me is brilliant to design top yg not typical, ianya seperti baju kurung kedah yg di modenkan....tahu baju kurung kedah???? sejenis baju yg pendek paras bontot dan di pakai dengan kain sarung.....sama ngan baju kurung cuma versi baju tu pendek....popular time zaman2 sekolah dulu, skang pun ada ja org buat and call it mini kurung kot....!

I hesistate jugak mula2 x pe ke pakai mini kurung on solemnization ye la sebab seperti yg kita tahu ianya pendek but it worth to try kan.....and i love the result to the bit....masa gi fitting tu terasa mcm princess2 ko tau, perasaan bahagia dan x boleh stop senyummmmm...! i loike....

For the skirt mula2 bukan mcm tu yg kita org finalize but happen i browsed website wedding inspirasi ada wedding skirt yg ala2 mcm i punya ni, i cut paste and email kat Cah and she made it, tp versi simpler sbb time contraint.....i am so happy, biar la org nampak pelik sket ke apa tp yg penting pengantin suka kan....huhu

The color is cream and additional tiffany blue as an accessory ja, a 3D flower added by Cah, siap ada diamond skali, mmg gemerlapan la mak enon mlm tu ko tau, but masih sederhana, not so crowded, and only fill up with the flowiness of chiffon soka...!!!

The material for top: Lace yg i x ingt lace apa but i bought it di tingkat 4 JAKEL S.Alam....kat tingkat tu kan kain mahal2 tp lucky me i gi ngan Cah so dpt la murah sket.....we bought 2meters lace with i x ingt maybe 7 meters chiffon and free lining sateen.Cah terbalikkan shiny part tu time jadikan baju to avoid me looking bigger...dah la besaq kan...nak beli alas kain crepe x mampu plak time tuh, kalo kain tu x nampak kilat la dan lembut Alhamdulillah thing come out so berpuas hati ngan baju nikah sy......!

For the veil, actually is bukanlah veil biasa dan tidak juga luar biasa, it is a long shawl yg di tepek lace di hujungnya, i wore anak tudung ala ariani tu, i tempah di Bangi dan pakai shawl tu, make it only one side on my shoulder mcm dlm pic kat atas, so shawl tu melayang2 kat belakang i, the length almost reach my knee.....i letak brooch yg besar gabak bought at Bandung around RM30, kalo kat sini i tgk RM200 plus camtu.....sooka..! hmm itu yg i blh ckp....

Ok so what do you guys think?? ok ke idak baju nikah sy....? i'm comfortable wearing it so itu yg plg penting kan....! Thanks UNAISAH AZLAN..!!! muah

Happy puasa peeps....x sbr esok Sabtu, nak kemas ruma baru ngan inchik suami..!


Unknown said...

terlalu cantik !!!serius!!

Fariza said...


miyoko_suki said...

u look stunning

brid3ofkayangan said...

thanks all....*wink*wink* huhu

Anonymous said...

u cantik sgt dgn outfit Unaisah Azlan..
if u dont mind, can u give Unaisah Azlan contact, phone num or emai.. i byk kali try email kat studiotwentysix but x response.. cari kt fb pn xjumpa..
really need your help


Anonymous said...

boleh share price range UA?

Underpinning Thousand Oaks said...

Thanks for posting thhis