Friday, May 7, 2010

Our Bless 6 Years In Love...

OMG...! it almost 5 minutes to pass 12m o is 7 May 2010.....a 6 years anniversary of me and my laling.....sudah 6 thn menyulam kasih ye kawan2.....tgk ticker tuh...i'm bless....happy sgt and sudah pandai menerima dia seadanya...hoho....ayat x bleh blah....

And yes since i'm in Kulim and he's in KL so x dpt la celeb skali.....but he is so nice of him.....u knoe what i just coming back form dinner with my frens....and the 1st thing that i saw before entering the gate of our house is something red on top of my car......and hati teruja melambung mcm nak lompat was a beautiful roses for me....6 all of them...laid beautifully on my car...teruja mcm nak melompat jek.....he such a romantic or i love to remember that he's become more manly lately.....mcm terasa dia lebih menunjukkan effort skrang...tiba2 mcm memahami jek sejak2 lepas jadi fiance ni...i loike...i love u hunny.....i love u...haha mood gedix....sila tahan....hoho

I've called him directly on the dot...lucky me he answered....walaupun dah tertido kot menunggu sy pulang dari dinner dgn hosmate....i kept telling him that i love him....owh sungguh murah sy ini...hanya blh di beli dgn bunga....hoho...i just can't stop is all over on my face....and my eyes keep looking at those away ....hehe

Ptt la td my mR.Z called around 8 o clock and mcm gabra bila tahu sy dah kuar rumah....i guess he's planning to send the flower rite to me instead of leaving it on the car....and yet i still don't know sapa yg dia upah untuk send those roses....thanks to that person....baru je kat ofis siang td tgk kat meja k.Rose receptionist ada flower bouquet yg sgt lawa...baru dok puji2 sang suami yg hantar bunga untuk si isteri di romatic...! skali sy pun dapat bezanya sy dpt bunga di rumah....but once i've received 24 stalks of roses dekat office sempena hari jadi...also from mR.Z....owh bahagianya.....! i'm bless....tq syg......i miss u as always....

p.s/ today is my mom b'day too...happy mothers day to mak....


asfahani said...

jelessssssssss T_T
smlm kami tunggu bf kami punya la lama..kami dok ingat dia nak bwk bunga ka apa nak pujuk,skali habuk pun tadak.tskk

mas said...

laa ptt la mr.z asik call..semua igt dia nk mai kulim..sweeet lol..bila nk ada bf ni..ngehngeh..ha as len kali biar die plk tunggu ko lama