Thursday, July 19, 2012

Being Pregnant With Complication

Yes i', pregnant again....after last DnC finally the doctor has confirmed that i'm 6 weeks pregnant around last May....itu pun x sengaja tahu yang diri ini membawa bayi di dalam rahim....after the DnC in January, 1st period was ok, teratur but 2nd month after DnC period sket2 ja and same goes in month 3, so ingat period tak teratur instead of preggy but seriously i'm being too tired and pale all the time, asek tido je....dan tiba2 suruh mR.Z belikan pregnancy test kit and yes i'm preggy again......bersyukur petala ke tujuh...!

Tapi bak kata orang lain orang lain dugaan....i'm not getting any bad morning sickness or muntah2 ....cuma pening2 biasa for 1st Alhamdulillah....masih boleh bekerja tetapi tuhan nak uji dengan cara lain....i' m having a bleeding on and off and it's scary....been injected 3 times on my left shoulder to make sure my womb strong enough to carry the baby up until this day....

It's not all, now i'm having another problem and being on MC for 1 week and a half....but after the doc doing a scan the baby still ok, the heartbeat is normal, and he/she is growing fine....but i'm praying that i can carry my baby until 9 months and deliver as normal,hopefully....

I will up another post regards to the recent incident where i thought i lost my baby that nite when the blood was all over in our toilet....i just can't forget the nite, and after that the doctor confirm that i'm having another problem with my pregnancy....yes dugaan ini amat berat nak di pikul, terpaksa MC while my office never stop calling for me to do adhoc task from home....can you imagie???? arghhh i just feel so stress with everything happening at the moment.....!

Hubby would not be around for 2 weeks starting this saturday, he will outstation to Mumbai and away for some training after that, so i have to be strong on my own, lucky my parent and my sister giving a full support me during this hard time, i'm staying at my parent house, i can't go to anywhere now, just stay at home, sit and bed rest sahaja....i hope i still can perform my puasa this year....and hopefully dapat puasa penuh....

I want to see my baby so badly....i can feel the bonding dan rasa kasih menyelinap di hati setiap kali nampak my baby waktu scan....feeling so overwhelming and calm when seeing the baby in my belly....besar betul kuasa Allah....Allahuakbar....and dear Allah pls save my baby....and peeps pls pray for me in your solat...moga ada sinar selepas mendung berpanjangan...


Anonymous said...

Alhamdulillah..happy for u..hehehe..bnykkan berdoa.hopefully selamat sampai melahirkan..kalo takleh puasa jgn paksa diri..


DaZzlingLilLy said...

congrats on ur pregnancy zai..take gud care of yourself..kak laili doakan semuanya selamat smp bersalin nnt

Reen Tart Nenas said...

tahniah again. alhamdulillah. kena jaga elok2 n alert sentiasa. i have a fren yg ada pregnancy problem. mmg byk bed rest, alhamdulillah dh selamat lahirkan bb baru nie. tu after 3 times miscarriage n bb meninggal. sorry bukan nak takutkan u. tp yes, my fren tu betul2 jaga. hope u kuat yer. jgn tinggal sorang2 tau. get ur fam members around k. salam ramadhan :)